I love giving playful fun workshops that empower people to write. I have given them in a number of venues including local libraries and the Irish Writer’s Centre. A workshop I gave for a training company prompted this feedback:
‘Thanks so much Grace, and I’m glad you enjoyed it. Your style is so accessible and humorous it’s very refreshing. You scored top marks on the feedback sheets!’
I hope to give a one day Writing Process workshop later in the spring (2012). Venue: Enniskerry, County Wicklow. If you would like to receive emailed information about it please send a brief ‘Comment’ (the Comment form is at the end of this page). There’s no need to include your email address in the message as it will appear in my inbox but will not be published on the website.
Warm wishes,
This is a playful, fun workshop that will empower your inner author and help you identify what furthers your own writing process. It includes practical tips on handling your inner critic, story ‘nudges’, plot and character development and how not to be intimidated by technique.
Stories are also written during the session and shared in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere. Writing is an adventure! If you enjoy a good story, you can write one! Whether you’ve been writing a while, or are just starting out, this workshop is suitable for anyone with an interest in writing fiction.
Grace Wynne-Jones is the author of four critically acclaimed novels that have been widely praised for their insights, intimacy, and humour. Two of them got onto the bestsellers lists and the first one went to auction. Her novel ‘Ordinary Miracles’ has been praised in articles that explore the literary merits of women’s popular fiction. These articles appeared in The Times Literary Supplement, Writing Magazine, and The Sunday Independent. Foreign rights have been acquired by German, Indonesian, and Russian publishers. When she was based in London she worked in book publishing.
THE WRITING PROCESS with Grace Wynne-Jones
7th October – 11th November 2011: Fri 11am-1pm. €165/€150 members
If you want to book a place contact the Irish Writers’ Centre,
19 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 T: 01 872 1302 E: info@writerscentre.ie W: www.writerscentre.ie
These are playful, fun workshops that will empower your inner author and help you identify what furthers your own writing process. The workshops run over six weeks and include practical tips on handling your inner critic, experimenting with story ‘nudges’, plot, and character development and how not to be intimidated by technique.
Stories are also written during the sessions and shared in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere. You will also receive input on marketing your work. Writing is an adventure! If you enjoy a good story, you can write one! Whether you’ve been writing a while, or are just starting out, this course is suitable for anyone with an interest in writing fiction. Facilitator Grace Wynne-Jones.
Grace Wynne-Jones is the author of four critically acclaimed novels that have been widely praised for their insights, intimacy, and humour. Two of them got onto the bestsellers lists and the first one went to auction. Her novel ‘Ordinary Miracles’ has been praised in articles that explore the literary merits of women’s popular fiction. These articles appeared in The Times Literary Supplement, Writing Magazine, and The Sunday Independent. Foreign rights have been acquired by German, Indonesian, and Russian publishers. When she was based in London she worked in book publishing.
She loves giving playful, fun workshops that empower people to write. They have been very popular in local libraries and one she gave for a training company prompted this feedback: ‘Thanks so much Grace, and I’m glad you enjoyed it. Your style is so accessible and humorous it’s very refreshing. You scored top marks on the feedback sheets!’
She is also a freelance journalist and freelance broadcaster. She has contributed many radio talks to RTE and have been included in two of Sunday Miscellany’s book compilations. Her feature articles have appeared in most of Ireland’s national newspapers as well as The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph. They have also been published in numerous magazines. Her radio play Ebb Tide was broadcast on RTE 1.
She has produced and presented a radio documentary about the land, legends, and legacy of the Hill of Tara which was broadcast on Newstalk in 2008. Her radio documentary ‘Lights, Stop Messin’, Action!’ (about young film-makers) was broadcast on Newstalk in Febrary 2011. Her short stories have been published in magazines in Ireland, England and Australia, and have also been broadcast on RTE and BBC Radio 4.
‘Grace Wynne-Jones has a wicked sense of humour which enlivens every page… Alice and her friends, and her hilarious magazine assignments, at times leave the reader rocking with laughter.’ The Irish Times re. ”Wise Follies’
‘…this is one of the best Irish novels this year…The trip to Greece is steeped in olives and jasmine, cicadas and sunshine…readers will love the local gigolo, Dimitri. Grace writes with great humour…On a more serious note, her portrayal of friendship, commitment and the complexity of relationships is very real and most enjoyable.’ Evening Herald re. ‘Ready Or Not?’