Tagged: Or



Only saw these new covers today when I checked my emails, what a FAB surprise! Hadn’t even known they were in the offing. Thank you Accent Press! They were particularly welcome this morning because...

New Covers 0

New Covers

Very grateful to Accent Press for coming up with lovely new covers for my ebooks…they also provided the fab promotional banner. My dear pal and hugely talented writer, Philip Casey, has come up with...

Website, cake and countryside 0

Website, cake and countryside

Haven’t posted a new blog for a while because of various website technical thingys. This led to many a phone conversation along the lines of “You want me to press what? Yes I think...

Gratitude re. ‘Ready Or Not?’ 0

Gratitude re. ‘Ready Or Not?’

I received this lovely comment on Monday. It was encouraging to read it so MANY THANKS dear Reader! ‘I am a forty eight year old woman who loves books and I have read zillions...