“To be young, really young, takes a very long time.” Picasso
Hi there!
I am middle-aged and I’ve written an article about the menopause for The Irish Times. It should be in the paper tomorrow. October 18 is World Menopause Day. They haven’t put bunting out in the streets yet. But it might be a good time to watch Meryl strutting her stuff in Mamma Mia. A great example of middle-aged zest!
I hope to blog a bit more about this soon.
Love and sparkles,
Hi Grace
Just wanted to say hi as its the first time I have been onto your website. Enjoying all your blogs. See you next week at the writers class.Enjoy Halloween.God Bless
Hi Sharon,
Thanks for looking up my website. And thanks too for buying my book! I want to get a copy of your book. I’ve really enjoyed the lovely stories
you’ve shared with us. You are a talented lady!
Love and gratitude,