If You Are In The Mood For Being Read To…
I have done quite a bit of social media stuff today (with the help of wheat ‘thins’ Tesco biscuits, Hummus, 85% cocoa chocolate, mint and Chai tea). I even got around to putting some nice links to my books and some brief review extracts on Twitter.
Am wearing bright yellow cardigan purchased in charity shop.
Have started reading ‘Walden’ by Thoreau. Great! He went to live in a log cabin in the wilds yonks ago. ‘Simplify!’ was one of his wise themes.
Adored ‘The Beginner’s Goodbye’ by Anne Tyler. I’ve read quite a number of her books now…she is one of my favourite authors. The details, the deft omissions and the honesty in her writing gives it great depth.
Have become rather fond of tv programmes in which people buy ‘antiques’ and then try to sell them again at a profit.
Really think that Ireland’s song should have done better in the Eurovision.
Hope to go to a local Church of Ireland fete this Saturday…it tends to be a very good fete with lots of bargains. Often intrigued by some of the more common items; foot spas, for example, sometimes feature. Because of Church of Ireland fetes I have owned two foot spas. Both of them have been given away.
If you are in the mood for being read to you can hear a podcast that includes an interview with moi and a reading from ‘The Truth Club’ here.
Warm wishes and sparkles,
Grace x
‘…a novel which by turns had me laughing (aloud) entranced and, by the end a little bit wiser than I was at the beginning. In ‘The Truth Club’ Grace Wynne-Jones has produced a book in which the eclectic characters almost leap from the pages…the book also contains a perfect man, Nathaniel, who ‘almost always’ says the right things…’ Ireland On Sunday