If you are in the mood for being read to…
If you are in the mood for some quirky intimate humour there’s a podcast of me reading from ‘Ordinary Miracles’ on podcasts.ie.
Someone once said it was a bit like ‘Victoria Wood meets Shirley Valentine’. I have received numerous heartfelt comments from readers about it. It was lovely to read them and I am very grateful. The theme of getting older and sometimes feeling a bit lost seems to have struck a chord with many. There’s an adorable pig in it called Rosie and a wise and soulful man called Charlie. The main character Jasmine feels that she should wear L plates! People seem to like the mixture of poignancy and giggles.
I never feel entirely comfortable ‘talking up’ one of my novels but it is something us authors are expected to do these days with this wizzy Internet stuff to use and all that kind of thing. Somehow I rarely really know what to say on Twitter unless it is for some cause I really believe in or something. I think my first tweet was ‘I have just eaten a croissant’. However the Internet is fab in many ways and I like blogging. Kindle is wonderful for non mega selling authors like myself whose books seem to inspire deep affection in the folk who identify with the characters. Loads of people borrow my novels from libraries but they were published a while ago and so are not in many bookshops because new titles, naturally, get priority. Thank goodness for Amazon.
Enjoy the podcast if you feel like being read to!
Warm wishes and sparkles,