Dahlias, cakes and stars…

Have repotted some Dahlia bulbs…they were basking outside in sunshine some minutes ago but it’s got cloudy. Need to bring them in tonight. Planted some Sweet Pea seeds too, found them in a leftover packet in the kitchen. So good to see plants growing again! Even the occasional (and big) bumble bee has popped by.

Baked dear Nigel Slater’s Lemon and Thyme cake recently…adore the smell of baking drifting through a house. It was a familiar scent in my childhood home, a rambling rectory in the countryside. My Dad was a clergyman, he enjoyed Mum’s tasty cakes too!

Did a bit of decluttering yesterday though wasn’t in the mood for deciding about jumpers. Cleared some old bottles, that sort of stuff, and put some kitchen cardboard on the compost heap.

Watched ‘Stargazing Live’ last night, magnificent pictures of various galaxies and lots of talk about the great yonder. The information drifted over me with a pleasant sense of awe. When I visited the high desert in New Mexico some years ago the night sky was festooned with stars, it was truly beautiful..

Warm wishes and sparkles,


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