We’ve been having some lovely summery weather in Ireland lately…great for pleasant seaside strolls. My little patio garden looks quite tropical in places! Very glad that I bought some wee tomato plants at a fete some months ago…they have produced some very tasty tomatoes. Also very grateful to my nasturtium plants for producing lots of flowers. So glad they are edible because they look so pretty on salads.
I have just eaten a digestive biscuit. Good thing about digestive biscuits: they are not so yummy that you want to eat too many of them. A local bakery makes scrumptious chocolate muffins so I need to approach the place with caution. Also sometimes need to be careful in Lidl. Though I love the idea of horse blankets (saw them on sale there once) I do not have a horse.
Listened to the Ryder Cup on the radio yesterday. I sometimes take an interest in golf…if other people are playing it! Something vaguely restful about large tracts of green grass and sporting excellence in a game I only partially understand. Odd attire of some of the players also intriguing.
I visited my dear pal Philip Casey recently and got a copy of his wonderful new book of poems ‘Tried And Sentenced’. He is a hugely talented writer and likes 99% cocoa chocolate. I bought him a bar of this ‘strong stuff’. Must try it myself one of these days.
Warm wishes and sparkles,