Wishing You A Happy Saint Valentine’s Day
Hi there!
It’s Saint Valentine’s Day and that means many different things to different people. For some there will be cards and flowers and romantic meals. A gorgeous sense of celebration. For others it is less romantic for a myriad of different reasons. Human love stories are complex. If they weren’t there wouldn’t be so many novels!
Many wise teachers say in spirit we are love. Deepak Chopra once wrote that ‘A person desperately searching for love is like a fish desperately searching for water.” And yet as a friend once said to me, the fish’s predicament is so understandable. And in many ways endearing. I have an enormous compassion for that fish!
In the film ‘A River Runs Through It’ there is the line ‘we can love completely without complete understanding’. And that, for me, applies to the great mysteries of love itself.
Lots of love,
P.S. If you want to hear an inspiring talk about creativity Google ‘Ted Talks Elizabeth Gilbert’.
Hi Grace,
Pat Nolan here. hope you are well. Saw your article in The Space Inside. I’m now running a Community Arts Group here in Avoca, and would like to invite you along to our shows,it would be great to see you. I can be contacted at 087233-4714, or thru the website.
Rebecca is doing fine and is the the States at the moment, visiting the family. Boys are doing good, big and bold.
Drop a line if you get a chance.
All the best for now