Wishing You A Happy New Year


I have just signed up to receive a weekly email from Gwyneth Paltrow and you can too you if you long onto www.goop.com. Her website looks interesting and varied. And, to tell the truth, I rather like the idea of receiving occasional tips etc. from such a talented lass.

I read about her website a while ago in a magazine and thought I’d like to have a look at it. I put the magazine aside and today, during a declutter, I found it…along with lots of other stuff. For example I seem to have a bunch of old batteries…kept in case I come across a contraption that measures whether they are still ‘working’…I’ll have to find out if there is such a thingy otherwise they’ll need to be recycled. I’ll probably keep the cork of an old Champagne bottle, though I wish I knew when it had popped and why. I have also found a big bunch of ‘notes’ for a possible novel. They are many and varied and at some stage I need to read them to find out if some of them have sparkle.

I now have a load of things…clothes etc…to bring to a charity shop. At times sorting through oddments can feel like excavation…almost archaeology. And one finds oneself asking oneself things like ‘Am I really the sort of person who makes hand-made cards?’…I bought the relevant material for this endeavour ages ago. I think I’ll keep it…and maybe even use it!

Lots of love and happy New Year,


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